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Why hire me for your next project?
Educator for over 30 years
Freelancer for over 17 years
Six college degrees, including an
MA in Instruction & Curriculum, MFA in
Illustration, and EdS in Reading Education -
developmental editor
content editor
curriculum developer
art director
standards alignment
science of reading
Experience writing decodable texts that follow the science of reading (see blog post about Reading Partners' Cover to Cover series)
Experience with literacy, math, science, social studies, English as a Second Language (ESL), bilingual, and Spanish programs
Please fill out the contact form to discuss your next project!

Projects include:
Reading Partners Cover to Cover
(decodable texts that address the science of reading)
Writer, Editor, Art Director

Firefighter Mom
Written by Lea Daniel
Cricket Magazine, January 2016
A story about a brave mom and how she became a firefighter while raising her family.
Watch a read aloud here.
Other clients include:

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